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Civic rights and Prevention

Civic rights and Prevention

Whether it’s taking part in the territory’s activity through our Première Seine initiative, encouraging the sector’s economy by employing more than 1000 people each year or by committing ourselves to causes that are close to our hearts by proposing that associations and foundations working for the general interest take part in the festival in order to publicise and share the project they are defending, Rock en Seine’s commitment extends throughout the year in this asserted desire to position itself as a player in the social and solidarity economy.


  • Awareness of risky behaviour is provided by the CRIPS with the Île-de-France Region.
  • To prevent hearing risks, earplugs are distributed free of charge by the Île-de-France Region and more specific equipment is offered on the Alpine x Alain Afflelou Acoustician stand.
  • The Totem – Relax sound system: in 2019, Rock en Seine hosted the first sound break zone designed especially for festivals, in partnership with the ENSCI and the Fondation pour l’Audition. Composed of air chambers and equipped with noise-reducing headphones (up to -30 decibels), the Totem offered a unique and novel experience: allowing festival-goers to take a sound break but also to exchange with their neighbour or with all the people present on the Totem who were also wearing noise-reducing headphones.


  • Rock en Seine welcomes at least 3 associations each year: discover the associations present in 2019 and fill in the CALL FOR ASSOCIATION & FOUNDATIONS 2022.
  • The festival offers them the opportunity to showcase their actions to festival-goers and to raise awareness of their causes among a wide audience.

Video created in partnership with the Estienne school under the pedagogical and artistic direction of Mehdi Hercberg, Eric Boisseau, Patrick Dos Santos and Patrick Pleutin. A big thank you to the students involved in the project!


In order to be accessible to as many people as possible, the festival has set up reduced rates for: young people under 18, students, RSA beneficiaries, job seekers, beneficiaries of the disabled adult allowance.

They were present at Rock en Seine the previous editions : La Cloche, Clowns Sans Frontières, Emmaüs, En Avant Toutes, Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort, Espoir CFDJ, La Fondation Abbé Pierre, France Nature Environnement, France Terre d’Asile, Institut Télémaque, Les Connexions, Médecins du Monde, Mobile en Ville, Oxfam, France Plan International, Première Urgence Internationale, Le Refuge, Reporters Sans Frontières, Samu Social, Sida Paroles, SOS Méditerrannée, Solidarités International, Surfrider Foundation, Unicef, Wimoov.

Thanks to our partners Carenews and HelloAsso.


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  • For its organisation and via the 204 service providers mobilised, Rock en Seine employs nearly 1,000 people over 3 days.
  • The festival tries to work with as many companies in the Ile-de-France as possible.


  • In addition to the work carried out with its service providers and suppliers, the festival benefits from the support of patrons and partners.
  • Some sponsors and partners are particularly supportive of the festival’s commitments: accessibility, young audience programmes, risk prevention, sustainable transport.